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About Us

Our Story

For nearly twenty years, the teams at Telecom Access have been anticipating nascent markets and technology completely ahead of the curve.

The Telecom Access team has been blazing trails in unified communication for nearly ten years. Telecom Access founding engineers first demonstrated the power of speech recognition technology in the mid-1990s with the introduction of the first digital Personal Assistant.

Our same team later deployed the first softswitch into a major carrier network with its ground-breaking SIP-based technology. Our team has a strong track-record in anticipating nascent markets and technology.

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We designed and developed every aspect of our technology solution in-house. Our unique platform provides greater ability to address customers’ needs and requirements without dependency on outside vendors.

Today, by moving Telecom Access platform to the cloud, any potential scalability problems can be easily overcome with practically unlimited capacities. Our culture and products are built around delivering consistent reliability that exceeds the current industry standards.