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Hosted IP-PBX

Our hosted IP-PBX solution is a high performance, no maintenance Hosted PBX solution that gives your business a competitive edge.

Carrier & Wholesale

Our solutions couple competitive rates with scalable, reliable connections for worldwide companies large and small who demand the best.

SIP Trunking

Our SIP trunks integrate with existing PBX equipment and IAD’s, allowing you to keep your existing phone numbers and/or add new numbers.

Data Services

Telecom Access Services brings the right network services and weaves it into a comprehensive solution for your business or enterprise.


Unlimited minutes of residential high quality VoIP calls anywhere in the Continental US, Canada, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

Cloud Contact Center Solutions

XCast’s Cloud Contact Center offers full control over powerful built-in features that boost productivity, customer loyalty, and business agility without requiring specialized IT skills.

Plans & Pricing

We have many different options and ways you can start saving on your calls. From residential solutions for the family, to small offices, to large companies, we've been connecting you to others online for nearly 10 years.

Hosted IP-PBX

Plans from $23.95/mo.

SIP Trunks

Plans from $4.95/mo.


Plans from $9.99/mo.